Monthly Archives: April 2021

Out of the blue, and into the blame…

My brothers think all I do is sit around in my pajamas and look at Yaoi all day on the internet. Well, not all day, occasionally have to go places… and if you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you’d know that rarely goes well. Today – yesterday’s as you’re reading this – adventure was no exception…

I ran out of blue recycling bags, and there’s only ONE store that I know of in the area that sells them – the dollar store on International between Cici’s Pizza and the now closed Golden Corral. The plan was to get dinner at aforementioned Cici’s… which I literally found out when I got there is also closed – permanently (being a buffet is kind of a non-starter in a pandemic).

So, I went to the only other food option that I could think of there (I’m a fat blogger not a food blogger), the IHOP on the far end of their parking lot. Personally, I probably should have gone to the Dunkin’ Donuts next door and be done with it. I didn’t, but it would have saved myself some time, money, and aggravation.

I knew the store was open because not only were the lights on, but there were cars in the parking lot. What I didn’t know was they only had THREE people working in there – a waitress, a manager and a line cook. I’ll give her credit, the waitress was friendly and efficient… but juggling waitressing and maitre’d duties was clearly too much for one person which is why I decided once I finally got my check, that I didn’t feel like waiting around for whenever she’d get back with my change, so I left the money on the table and slip out without her noticing.

I went to the Dunkin’ next door for coffee and dessert… except they were out of the coffee I wanted and the drive-thru guy grabbed the last donuts just a second before I was going to order them. Well, okay then, that’s two for two…

I’ll see what they have at the dollar store in the main plaza. They had bottled Starbucks drinks, so I guess that’ll do… but they didn’t have the other thing I was hoping to get there – shirts (as none of my pre-pandemic shirts fit anymore).

So, I took my coffee and the few other items I found there (as they changed their planogram since my previous visit) to the register, paid and when she pulled out the plastic store bags from the counter under the register, I finally remembered the original reason I was there.

Blue Recycling Bags!!

“Whoa,” the cashier said coming back from around the counter. It’s unclear whether her coworker helped the next customers in line or continued propping up the door frame he was leaning against. “You’ll never find them. Heck, I can barely find stuff anymore – and I WORK here!!”

I’m sure she was trying to be friendly and helpful, but part of me couldn’t but feel condescended to – despite her self-deprecating joke. However, she did give me a bit of an inside warning that “the new owner doesn’t see any profit in these. So, when these are gone, we’re probably not gettin’ anymore.”

I was going to grab three boxes, but she hands me two and not so subtly nudges me to go back to the register, where the same family was still standing. She rings up both boxes and adds them to my bag.

I leave the store (sorry, for such a long post), open Lyft, put the address in “11701 International Drive,” drug my location from the apartments across I-Drive to the plaza I was standing in and hit submit. I then took the Frappuccino bottles out of my [store] bag and waited until my phone alerted me to a vehicle nearby.

I threw now my empty Frappuccino bottles in a nearby trash bin, grabbed my bags and waited at the protrusion in the sidewalk in front of the World of Chocolate Museum & Store. I followed the driver on the map until she pulls up to a space on the outside of an unknown building and stops. A minute later, I get a cheery message saying “I’m here” and asking for a description so she knows what to look for.

I’m not seeing anyone here, but I respond with a full description anyway – even though I’m the only person standing there. Less than a minute, my phone rings and I’m informed that I’m NOT where I say I am. And I’m not seeing any “silver Honda Pilot” entering the parking lot from either entrance, so clearly ONE of us is wrong…

Take a wild guess, who she thought was wrong.

But, don’t worry, she got even with me by snapping “have a nice day… you fucking asshole” and hanging up on me. Ten seconds later, I get an email from Lyft saying they’ve fined $5 for a “no-show” when to the best of my ability to explain EXACTLY where I was, what I was wearing, etc. and the closest thing to compromise was her asking if I “was standing in the middle of I-Drive?” I can’t even prove she moved her car once she called me (as my phone locks all apps when I pick up a call).

My dad loooved to remind me, “r—-ds – like you – have no credibility,” that doesn’t, however, mean I can’t report her ass to Lyft anyway. While I was there, I requested a new driver and the app once again showed my location as the apartments across the street (11833 Westwood Blvd). I drug the location marker back to where I was actually sitting… and the address changed to 11793 International Dr. So even though the MARKER was correct, the address – the one she put into her GPS app – was still wrong.

In other words, I’m bitterly called a “fucking asshole” because the app showed me at the IHOP I had just come out of. When I put in the address manually, the driver had no problem finding me, and I was able to get back safely…

Categories: Ablism, adventures, Autism, florida, Orlando, retail, Rideshare, Williamsburg | Leave a comment

Flashback Friday: One year ago today

These pics were uploaded on April 16 of last year. It’s amazing how current they still are . I sold this game a few months ago, but I still miss playing it occasionally.

Categories: adventures, Coronavirus, entertainment, games, Health, humor, photography | Leave a comment

Comic: First review

So, I heard back from my editor over the weekend (I wasn’t expecting to hear anything until today). This is a pretty accurate summation of their response. In other words, I’ve got work to do, but it’s not insurmountable…

Categories: entertainment, humor, news, writing | Leave a comment

Autism Awareness Month: Day 12 – Trains!!!

None of the prompts for this week interested me very much, so I asked myself what (besides Autism) would be the most popular topic in the Autism community I could fashion for a post this month: the answer (as spoiled by my headline) was TRAINS!! Okay, so it’s a stereotype, but both my dad and brother are model train nerds and Autism runs in families…

However, this post, as Ngauging as model trains are, is about the new Amtrak Connect US plan that Joe Biden and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg came up with to improve rail service in this country over the next decade and a half – and boy HO-wdy does it need it.

Said plan not only involves enhancing their 21,000 miles of existing routes, but – and this is where I think they’re a bit ambitious for 15 years – adding service to over 160 destinations in 26 states (mostly through shorter “spur routes,” some of which make more sense on a state rail basis than a national one). Since I’ve got nothing else to do today, I’m going to discuss some of them in more detail… yes, you can leave now, your page view has already been counted.

Northeast Corridor

As you can see from the map, Pennsylvania has three extremely short spurs one connecting Philadelphia to Reading, and the other two connecting New York to Allentown/Bethlehem and Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.

While I don’t see the point of the Philly-Reading spur, I do think Reading would be a good addition to a potential NYC-Allentown-Harrisburg route (replacing the current Keystone Service, the Pennsylvanian line can stay as it is).

I have no problem with a spur to Scranton, but I wish they’d push it further west to say Williamsport and possibly Erie as there is no train service in the northern part of the state, but the latter can wait for the next round of expansions.

Southeast corridor

I like that they are adding service to Wilmington, NC. I’d LOVE it if they connected it to Charleston, SC via Myrtle Beach. They can even run it south to say Savannah or Jacksonville. Call it the “Coastal Carolina” route.

Speaking of JAX, they need to restore service from it to Mobile, AL. I get it was destroyed by a hurricane, and they don’t want to waste resources replacing a line that could be destroyed again. However, leaving it “suspended” like this isn’t doing anyone any good. Once that’s completed, the next round of expansions should focus on connecting Mobile to Montgomery.

I have no strong opinions on the rest of the country, so I’ll leave it here…

Categories: adventures, Advocacy\volunteer, Alabama, Amtrak, Autism, coal region, florida, Harrisburg, lehigh valley, North Carolina, North Florida, Pennsylvania, Philadephia, South Carolina, transportation | Leave a comment

April odds and ends

My lease expires on June 26, 2021. I am NOT renewing it again. I had no choice last year because of the pandemic, but this year I do. I have exactly eight weeks to narrow down a location, find a satisfactory home/apartment and move into it. No pressure… except the mortgage company I contacted wants to see “a driver’s license (see previous post), two years of verifiable employment (which I don’t have) and two years of tax returns” (which would prove I have enough income to repay the loan).

I can explain the employment gap (hit by a car on June 8, 2018). Unfortunately, I recently found out that I have apparently not paid taxes in the past four years (as we are still settling dad’s estate PLUS mom’s on top of that). The accountants are working overtime to rectify this, but if they don’t get two years’ worth of returns by this time next week, the mortgage pre-approval will by necessity need to be called off – essentially putting me back at square one.

Speaking of “employment gaps” (which I already covered in last week’s post), I should probably clarify that I don’t consider myself “unemployed” as I currently have three blogs – including this one – that I take turns ignoring for long stretches of time just to stress myself out trying to churn out batches of pointless filler content for to “make up for it.”

I already closed ONE back in September, and will probably start winding down the others in the coming weeks. I may bring them back at some point in the future when I’ve settled into my new home, or I might just find another topic (or topics) to write about. I’m unpredictable like that… except that I (probably) won’t get paid for those blogs either. However, if things go my way, I might not need to…

I recently mustered up as much courage as I could to send my manuscript off for another round of editing. The two biggest problems are 1) I’m missing half of my first chapter (partly due to writer’s block and partly because my laptop likes highlighting text I didn’t select and deleting it for me – if it’s successful, it auto-saves so I can’t get it back), and 2) the ending doesn’t really resolve the various intertwining plot threads very satisfactorily. A promising arc is introduced… but it kinda fizzles out and doesn’t GO anywhere.

Anyway, the company I sent it too promised it would get my manuscript back to me in “16-20 days.” Today is day 20, and I’m starting to get worried…

Categories: apartment hunting, entertainment, Internet\FB, job hunting, news, ramblings, writing | Leave a comment

Autism Awareness Month: Day 10 – Representation

Prompt: How important is representation to you? Is the representation that is out there generally good or bad? What is your favorite piece of representation? What you like to see more of in autism representation? What would you like to see less of?

Truthfully, it depends on the material. As former Days of Our Lives producer Ken Corday said, “a good script is actor proof.” So, I’ve never bought the whole “only gay actors can play gay characters” argument – especially since one of Baltimore’s best known character actors has been married to his husband for over 20yrs and no-one ever says “how dare you play a straight character?!”

What bothers me is representation for the sake of “representation.” I have no problem with “colorblind casting” except when it’s obvious that the producers are casting from a checklist. Was the Blue Ranger’s Autism an organic part of his character… or what TV Tropes calls a “two-fer token minority” (as Autism tends to be underdiagnosed in the Black community)? But, wait, wasn’t the eponymous character in Sia’s Razzie nominated “movie” Music (2021) conceived to be Autistic from the jump? Yes, she was (and girls are also underdiagnosed), but, unlike other critics, I don’t hold that against the actress (Maddie Zeigler) herself as she simply did what she was directed to do. Whereas, Matt Damon put in the effort to research and talk to various Autistic groups to help shape his performance in The Accountant. (2016)

However bad “token representation” is, misrepresentation is far worse – especially if it’s intentional (which, for the record, I do not think Sia’s film is). One of the monsters of Netflix’s paranormal series The Irregulars was revealed to have been created after being spurned by his (male) crush. This doesn’t mean gay villains can’t exist just that being gay by itself cannot be their sole motivation.

To be fair, I don’t seek out films just for “representation.” I want to be entertained, that’s why I have not seen either Music or The Accountant. Heck, I’ve never seen Rain Man (1988) either. Sure, I’ll probably get around to Atypical (2017) or The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) eventually, but I’m in no rush to do so…

Categories: Advocacy\volunteer, Autism, entertainment, Gay rights, movies, television | Leave a comment

Memes: COVID vaccines

No, I have not gotten it yet, but I do plan to in the coming days/weeks.

Categories: Advocacy\volunteer, art, cartoons\memes, Coronavirus, entertainment, Health, healthcare, Internet\FB | Leave a comment

Cartoon: Productivity

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Autism Awareness Month: Day 6 – Driving

Prompt: Are you able to drive? If so, was it difficult to learn? What was difficult about it? If not, do you use any alternatives?

This is a tough one for me to write about as it involves unpacking a lot of complex traumas. I took a deep drive – I mean dive into the topic years ago… but that was on my previous blog, which was stored on my previous laptop. In other words, it’s long gone.

Yes, I had a license, but my parents had little to nothing to do with it. In fact, my mom refused to teach me to drive because… well, I don’t remember her giving me a straight reason besides “I don’t want to” or “it’s too much fucking work.” Dad was too self-absorbed to care about anything outside his own very narrow set of interests (where have I seen that description before?), so was of even less help in the matter.

This leads to an interesting paradox: Neither of them wanted to teach me to drive, and neither liked acting as my “unpaid chauffeur.” Did either of them ever stop to consider there was someone trapped in the middle here? Of course not.

If I can’t drive myself, and they won’t drive me then what were my options – public transit was not only an infrequent “taxpayer boondoggle,” but it literally didn’t exist in our part of town. So, even when I moved out to the opposite corner of town, the local bus system didn’t follow me. I couldn’t even go out on a Friday night because the local cab company stopped service at 10pm (thus defeating the entire fucking purpose of being a cab company).

I’m sorry, what was that? Hahaha, no, Friends was just a TV show. Wait, what? Um, “real friends?” Oh, you must have mistaken me for my über popular brother. Happens all the time. I don’t get his fancy legal contracts or complex schematic drawings, but I’m sure he gets some of my hate mail. I do get hate mail, right?

Back on topic, and this is where it gets hard to write… but, yes, I did eventually get a license and a car and some glorious semblance of freedom.

For all of three days. Then, in a single moment, just as my life was starting to look up – it changed. Dramatically. Instantaneously – and very nearly permanently. That moment was 6:39pm on April 26, 2008:

The sun was still out, there was no traffic – literally. no vehicles coming in either direction – and I had just finished a rather disappointing meal at Wayside Inn and as the light turned from red to green, I made the left turn from SR-61 onto Hospital Road, another car came out of nowhere and…

Despite me doing everything exactly as the DMV Handbook said to and that no-one from the police to the media ever bothered asking me what happened (believe me, I can write another full post about the way the ableist cops treated me at the scene that evening), the accident was deemed my fault. Literally, all my attorney told me was to “shut up and take the fucking [guilty] plea – because you fucking are” (which shocked the hell outta me as I thought my attorney was supposed to be, I dunno, on MY side).

It took me nearly two years to pay off my hospital bills, but again that’s another post. Because I was once again carless and license less, I was once again fully dependent on my parents for transportation. I hated it as much as they did, but what choice did I have? Well, I was online when I found a story about how Baltimore was an “affordable, up and coming city for young professionals.” Did I mention the “affordable” part? Because it was. It didn’t stay that way for very long, but that’s another matter entirely.

Not only did Baltimore have relatively cheap housing, it also had JOBS and more importantly it had buses, light rail and “24hr cabs” for me to get around in. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of those fancy jobs for the same official “reason” I couldn’t find one in the Coal Region: Ablism “Lack of personal vehicle.” I was eventually hired by an upstart media company to cover “arts, movie and entertainment” within the city. Kind of a gay stereotype, but they didn’t care how I got to my assignments, so it worked out.

Eventually (2014), I grew tired of rising rents and covering the same venues week in and week out and sought out a change of scenery. I settled on Orlando because of its centralized location and abundance of entry level theme park and resort jobs. I didn’t get any of them either, but my new apartment was on next to a small forested area halfway between Disney and Universal as well as directly on the I-Ride Trolley line as well as the Lynx 1111 to the airport.

Unfortunately, as I posted before, the I-Ride has suspended service without notice TWICE due to the pandemic. Thankfully, rideshare and delivery exist… but they’re expensive. I could walk to the grocery store in Baltimore, but in Orlando it’s a $7.65 ride each way. I know they’re supposedly bringing the trolley back in “late May,” but in the meantime, my forest is gone and those rideshares add up really, REALLY fast.

Categories: Ablism, Advocacy\volunteer, Autism, Baltimore, coal region, family, florida, I-Ride Trolley, job hunting, light rail, LYNX bus, Metro bus, Orlando, Pennsylvania, Rideshare, transportation, Uncategorized, writing | 1 Comment

Autism Acceptance Day

Categories: Advocacy\volunteer, Autism, cartoons\memes, entertainment, holidays, Internet\FB | Leave a comment

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